报告题目:Pathways to Publishing in English Language Journals 在英文期刊发表的途径
报告人:Marie Dasborough
As an Editor for the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Dr. Marie Dasborough will discuss the reviewing process and offer guidance for scholars aiming to publish in English outlets. Serving as the Co-President of the Network of Leadership Scholars (NLS) within the Academy of Management, she has organized Professional Development Workshops such as "Advancing Leadership Research: Developing Research Proposals and Mentoring Relationships" during the Academy of Management Annual Meetings. In this talk, Dr. Dasborough will also provide valuable insights on improving English writing and discuss alternative pathways for researchers, including publishing in different journal sections and new journals.
Marie T. Dasborough博士是迈阿密大学赫伯特商学院管理学的终身教授。她在昆士兰大学获得了组织行为学博士学位,研究重点包括领导力、工作场所中的情感、归因和团队。Dasborough博士在《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Academy of Management Review》、《Journal of Management》、《Journal of Business Ethics》和《Journal of Organizational Behavior》等顶级期刊上多次发表论文。她在教学和研究方面获得了诸多奖项,并被评为“过去十年中最具影响力的领导力文章”决赛入围者。Dasborough博士还担任了《The Leadership Quarterly》和《Journal of Organizational Behavior》等知名期刊的编委。
撰稿:徐畅檬 审核:陈文婷 单位:新濠天地官网
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